Cashier's Office – a Function of Banking Services
Location: Howes Street Business Center, 555 S Howes St., 1st Floor
Mailing Address: 6015 Campus Delivery, Fort Collins, CO 80523-6015
For Student Account Questions, please call 970-491-6321
Payment Options
Colorado State University utilizes an online billing and payment system. Students will receive an email notification at their
email address to view their statements online in RAMweb.
Students can grant access to parents or trusted individuals to view their student statement online by logging into RAMweb, and selecting
Manage Access to My Records (FAMweb). The trusted user will then receive an e-mail from
with login details and a verification code. Those individuals will also receive an email notification when a new bill is available, and will be able to view statements and make online payments.
8:30am to 4:30pm Monday-Friday
Phone: 970-491-2767
Fax: 970-491-2452
How to Find Us

A secure online payment kiosk is available in the Howes Street Business Center, Room 110 - Cashier’s Office.
Student Login (RAMweb)
Trusted Individual Login (FAMweb)
Commercial Login
Student/commercial accounts and Perkins/Health Professions student loans may be paid online. Our secure online service accepts payments by electronic check, VISA,
Mastercard, American Express, Discover, and international payments through Convera. Please be advised, there will be a fee from our
third party processor for eCheck and credit card transactions.
Student Accounts
Commercial Accounts
- To make a payment by electronic check or credit card, please call the Commercial Accounts Receivable Office at (970) 491-2697 to request online payment access.
Wire Transfer
Payments via wire transfer must include the student/commercial account number in the reference information field of the wire. Please visit RAMweb/FAMweb - Pay My Bill for CSU's
wire transfer instructions, or email (These are not to be used for CSUF, CSURF, INTO, or CSU Global wires or ACH payments).
Only send wires for the balance due, overpayments will likely be returned to the sender.
International Payments
Colorado State University has partnered with Convera for easy payment solutions for international payers.
They can pay in their local currency and have it converted to US dollars for payment on their student account.
Students may access this option through RAMweb and trusted individuals may access this option online through FAMweb
if the student has authorized their email address on RAMweb under Change My Access to My Records (FAMweb).
Please allow 3-5 business days from the time of payment for it to be applied to the student account.
In Person
Cashier's Office
Balance due can be paid by cash, check, money order, or debit card (with a PIN) at the Cashier’s Office,
located in room 110 on the first floor of the Howes Street Business Center located at: 555 South Howes Street.
Drop Box
Payment drop boxes are located in LSC on the main level in the hallway south of the RamCard office, and on the 1st floor of the Howes Street Business Center.
By Mail
Payments made by mail should be by check payable to Colorado State University, drawn on a domestic US bank and payable in US dollars.
To avoid processing delays and possible late payment charges, the student's ID number and whether the payment is for a student/commercial account or student loan should be
clearly written on the face of the check. Payments sent by U.S. mail should be sent to the Cashier’s Office at:
Colorado State University
Cashier’s Office
6015 Campus Delivery
Fort Collins, CO 80523-6015
College Savings and 529 Plans
Colorado State University accepts payments from various prepaid college savings accounts. We do not invoice these programs. Please provide required details to them from your RAMweb account.
Many 529 College Savings Plans offer an electronic payment option, which saves time and improves transparency with real-time tracking. When requesting a withdrawal from your 529 account, check with your plan manager to see if a digital distribution option is available.
For additional information please visit the Financial Aid site.
Payment Plan
You may pay your bill in elective monthly installments with the CSU payment plan. The payment plan offers
no payment deferral charges and no financial registration hold while enrolled in a plan. For more details,
navigate to my To enroll use the Billing and Tax Information menu item in RAMweb
or FAMweb.
CSU Department Resources